Hurricane Windstorm/Flood Loss to Condominium on Navarre Beach
Condominium association insurance claims often present complex adjusting issues that require specialized knowledge and experience. Not only must the association understand the master insurance policy terms and conditions, but Florida Statute and association by-laws must also be considered when preparing a claim.
Visit our Notable Condominium Association Claims page and read success stories.
Are repairs the association’s responsibility or the unit owners? Whose insurance company should pay? These two questions can create confusion and lead to misunderstanding between the association and unit owners. Fabbro & Company can reconcile condominium association vs. unit owner responsibilities by considering all the variables necessary to prepare an accurate and substantiated claim. Our firm offers over two decades of experience in representing condominium associations. Our expertise comes from handling condominium claims ranging from small water losses, to multi-million dollar claims involving wind vs. flood issues, coinsurance problems, and complex association vs. unit owner issues. The condominium association board of directors has a fiduciary responsibility to its members. Let Fabbro & Company provide the professional claim representation the association needs and deserves.
Remember, public adjusters, work exclusively for the policyholder. Our objective is to protect the association throughout the claims process with the goal being to maximize its settlement. On the other hand, the insurance company adjuster represents the company. Although many policyholders assume insurance company representatives are looking out for their best interest, when disagreement ensues or “grey area” is identified, they will be advocates for the company, not your community.
Following a loss, your association may be approached by public adjusters. Consider these issues before Choosing The Right Public Adjuster for your community.
What Will Fabbro & Company Public Adjusters Do For Your Association?
Contrary to common public perception, the association has certain duties and responsibilities following a loss. If the association expects to be fully compensated for its damages, it must fully prove its claim. Retaining a qualified public adjuster will arm the community with the knowledge and experience to successfully prepare, present, substantiate, and negotiate its claim. After all, the insurance company will use experts (adjusters, engineers, examiners, etc.) to prepare their view of the association’s loss. Shouldn’t the association have professional representation too?
Visit the Notable Condominium Association Claims page for a glimpse into sample condominium association claims handled by our firm.
Condominium association claim services may also include the following:
- Conduct comprehensive review of condominium association master policy for coverages, limitations, etc.;
- Prepare building damage repair estimates;
- Reconcile association vs. unit owner damages and coverages;
- Reconcile wind vs. flood damages;
- Address complicated deductible issues;
- Manage possible coinsurance issues;
- Attend board meetings to provide comprehensive claim updates/status reports;
- Thoroughly review board meeting minutes to establish pre-loss property conditions to support damages being claimed;
- Utilize experts when necessary (i.e., engineers, CPA’s, etc.);
- Document damage with photos/video;
- Prepare proof of loss and other critical claim documents and;
- Participate in meetings with insurance company adjusters, contractors, engineers, etc.
In addition, Fabbro & Company will always maintain an open, constant line of communication with the board of directors throughout the claims adjustment process.